Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. SEMESTRAL. ISSN: 1988‐2629

Call for Papers 2024 y 2025:  envíos abstracts hasta 10 de junio 2024 (número octubre 2024) /Call for papers 2025: envíos abstracts hasta el 10 de diciembre de 2024 (número abril 2025)

DERECOM. Derecho de la Comunicación. - Elementos filtrados por fecha: Sábado, 15 Septiembre 2018

Antonella Bongarzone

Università Magna Graecia di Catanzaro (Italia)

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In the last years transparency and simplification have been for the Italian legislator the main values-goals to innovate the Public Administration. Immediate consequence of the administrative transparency is the right to access public documents, the civic simple and generalized access. Now the person in charge of documents flows faces the introduction of the Access Register which is a tool for the right management of the IT protocol.

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Ester Kaufman 

Red Académica de Gobierno Abierto (IDES) (Argentina)

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The defamatory political campaigns detected in the Trump election process, with the intervention of global Internet corporations, and companies such as Cambridge Analytica, generated an unprecedented debate about the negative impact of social networks, embedded in global corporations who handle our data darkly. The media scandal policies provide the rest. It aims to increase political discredit and distrust of institutions so that democracies are turning towards totalitarian forms, functional to corporate interests, while citizens wander

between disinterest, misinformation, polarization over banal issues or, what is more serious, disconnected from the others, in scenarios of self-exploitation and narcissism.

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© Patricia Legarreta

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, México

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This paper aims to identify the ecosystem in which the technology corporations develop themselves, the historical material conditions that have allowed the private appropriation of others’ work to overexceed the limits of individual workforce. This is possible by shredding ideas, wishes, feelings and personality traits through processes of digitalization. The author proposes that the history of the Internet is the history of the struggle between managers, on the one hand, who represent the scientific-industrial-military complex that has monopolized and privatized the global network, and hackers, on the other hand, who represent a sector that understands and develops makes the Internet to evolve but struggles to make public the way in which the system operates, to eliminate private profit by means of a common good and to generate an alliance with the world population for the emancipation of humanity.

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Sábado, 15 Septiembre 2018 00:00

Defying democracy, surrendering to corporations

Lila Luchessi

Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

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In the face of a new political scenario in Latin America, the irruption of communities into digital social media plays a fundamental role in the erosion of democratic institutions.

Users´ perceptions of their interactions with peers, which are not mediated by political or news institutions, make them question and discredit the bodies that had regulated their political lives up to date.

The questioning and distrustful look over State representatives, political corporations and opinion shapers does not correlate with the new actors defining social, political and cultural guidelines within the private sector.

Therefore, while citizens fear the way the State will use the information collected from them, the handing over of sensitive data from those very citizens to transnational corporations which hold dominant positions in the global market is not called into question. Neither is how those data are being used by these companies to monetize their business and erode the democratic system.

The manipulation of information deriving from the analytics collected by these corporations, which can be used to manipulate elections or define health policies, has brought about consequences in specific countries, but threatens the principles of liberty and equality of the whole system.

This work is concerned with the analysis of the actions of users on the Internet, their impact on the construction of news and the weakening of democratic institutions in the second decade of the 21st Century.

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Ana Belén Lucas Tobajas

Universidad de Extremadura (España)

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The evolution of the Information Society and the effective fulfilment of the goals set by the Digital Agenda for Spain require the progressive adaptation of the citizens until reaching the full digital inclusion, in which it is essential to guarantee the electronic access of those citizens to a certain number of digitized public services. The existence of the so-called digital gap reveals effective lacks in a specific sector of the population, both in the access to the network and in the access to the basic telephone service, giving rise to a new category of users that could be called vulnerable clients, properly speaking. This issue requires an in-depth analysis of the content of the universal telecommunications service, in order tackle the different social needs that arise.

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Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. Semestral


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