Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. SEMESTRAL. ISSN: 1988‐2629

Call for Papers 2024 y 2025:  envíos abstracts hasta 10 de junio 2024 (número octubre 2024) /Call for papers 2025: envíos abstracts hasta el 10 de diciembre de 2024 (número abril 2025)

Information confronting risk scenarios: Tampico´s case, Mexico

19 Sep 2016
10602 veces


©Arely Millán  

                                                         Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (México)


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© Alfonso Tello Iturbe

Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas

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©Alberto Gómez Isassi

Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas

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Citizens are entitled to be timely, accurately and impartially informed; the inhabitants of any place in the world should have identified local references, which might allow them to move into higher standards of living; they should be able to get aware of their environmental contexts.  Their right to be informed about the risks of living in a place such as Tampico should be efficiently managed in the communication by the local media.

In this contribution we mean to present a case study in the harbour of Tampico Tamaulipas, Mexico, a reflective exercise starting with the origin and continuing with the management of radio broadcasting, in which the participation of citizens will be reviewed in relation to the news presented not only in the daily events, but through a kind of journalism where  the origin of natural and anthropogenic risks threatening society in the area are fully identified, so that the community radio broadcasting contributes daily to the creation and consolidation of a socially built culture focused on  risks that represent a threat to a large part of the area inhabitants. This population, on account of their low socioeconomic conditions, share high rates of vulnerability, which require a greater commitment of both society and those who work for  newspapers and the media, in general, in the southern part of the sSate of Tamaulipas.


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Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. Semestral


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