Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. SEMESTRAL. ISSN: 1988‐2629

Call for Papers 2024 y 2025:  envíos abstracts hasta 10 de junio 2024 (número octubre 2024) /Call for papers 2025: envíos abstracts hasta el 10 de diciembre de 2024 (número abril 2025)

La prova testimoniale e la tutela del segreto confessionale

19 Sep 2016
10007 veces



©Stella Feroleto

Studi Magna Graecia Di Catanzaro (Italia)

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In this article, we go deep into the subject of testimonial evidence in Italian criminal trial and we go deeper into the protection of confessional secret in the Italian legal system. We discuss costitutional aspects and foundations of such an important matter in law.

Legal regulation of professional secrecy and, in particular, legal regulation of ministerial secrecy, is fundamental to the development of the personality of the individual and its justification is based upon the requirement of justice and the protection of fundamental ratios in order to guarantee the enjoyment of constitutional goods and values.Ministerial secret is inviolable. The transgression of  the ministerial secrecy is a great betrayal of liberty and independence of ministerial confidence based on trust between both the confessor and the penitent.

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Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. Semestral


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