Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. SEMESTRAL. ISSN: 1988‐2629

Call for Papers 2023:  envíos abstracts hasta 30 de mayo 2023 (número octubre 2023) /Call for papers 2023: envíos abstracts hasta 31 de diciembre de 2023 (número abril 2024)

Non-consensual pornography v. the freedom of expression in The United States of America: an introduction to the conflict

15 Sep 2019
2227 veces

© Fredrick Vega-Lozada

Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico (EE.UU.)

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In the United States of America the legislation to address gender violence in its non-consensual pornography modality, is a state criminal legislation. Sometimes these legislation incorporates individual civil remedies, and collides with freedom of expression, one of the fundamental constitutional rights of the American society.   These legal disputes between the regulation of the content of an expression and the behaviours typified pertinent to non-consensual pornography allows the United States Courts to declare unconstitutional the legislation continuing the gender violence in the modality of non-consensual pornography.

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Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. Semestral


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