Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. SEMESTRAL. ISSN: 1988‐2629

Call for Papers 2023:  envíos abstracts hasta 30 de mayo 2023 (número octubre 2023) /Call for papers 2023: envíos abstracts hasta 31 de diciembre de 2023 (número abril 2024)

On the cryptographic certification of signatures in agreements

15 Sep 2019
2426 veces

© Rubén Rodríguez Abril

Universidad de Sevilla (España)

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In the present paper, its author explores the different application possibilities of blockchain technology within the scope of legal agreements performed by electronic means, particularly in areas so far reserved to the intervention of public officials, such as notaries. This technology, combined with biometric identification and digital certificates, has shaped a new way of notarization of documents, which is different indeed from the traditional one but equal in its legal binding. The author of this paper proposes to create an electronic registry of private documents using blockchain technology. This new registry would be state-owned and its tasks would be to identify the parties of a registered document, notarize their signatures, issue timestamps, set the law applicable to its content, and finally confer the status of enforceable titles to those documents containing pecuniary claims, in conformity with article 517 of the Spanish Civil Procedure Law or the European Regulation (CE) nº 805/2004.

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Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías. Semestral


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